Saturday, September 4, 2010
Harmony (2)
The essence harmony is in our thoughts.
Achieving harmony begins with being in harmony with ourselves.
To do so we must become aware of our inner thoughts. Begin by sitting quietly, becoming aware of our thoughts, feelings, ideas.
Next, we observe clearly the nature of these thoughts: good thoughts? Bad thoughts? Harmful thoughts? False understanding? Without clear understanding, we can't tell right from wrong. Which thoughts are obstacles to our practice? Which thoughts are beneficial?
Thirdly, we do not REACT to these thoughts, whether good or bad. We simply accept them as the reality of who I am at this moment. Accept yourself, both the faults and the virtues.
Aren't we supposed to improve ourselves? Why don't we try to conquer these bad thoughts and bad habits? This is the Zen way. By NOT reacting, we conquer them without fighting. Greed is only greed when we let it continue. Anger only harms when we let it feed on itself. By not reacting, they have no power, and your mind is at peace, inner harmony is achieved.
Achieving harmony begins with being in harmony with ourselves.
To do so we must become aware of our inner thoughts. Begin by sitting quietly, becoming aware of our thoughts, feelings, ideas.
Next, we observe clearly the nature of these thoughts: good thoughts? Bad thoughts? Harmful thoughts? False understanding? Without clear understanding, we can't tell right from wrong. Which thoughts are obstacles to our practice? Which thoughts are beneficial?
Thirdly, we do not REACT to these thoughts, whether good or bad. We simply accept them as the reality of who I am at this moment. Accept yourself, both the faults and the virtues.
Aren't we supposed to improve ourselves? Why don't we try to conquer these bad thoughts and bad habits? This is the Zen way. By NOT reacting, we conquer them without fighting. Greed is only greed when we let it continue. Anger only harms when we let it feed on itself. By not reacting, they have no power, and your mind is at peace, inner harmony is achieved.
Harmony (1)
In Zen we often say, "wherever you are, that is where your mind is."
How do we practice this? There are many ways. Here we talk about one: harmony.
Harmony with the environment, harmony with situations, harmony with people.
Harmony means:
When you are sitting on the meditation stool, that is the best place for you to be.
When your legs hurt, that is exactly what you need for your practice.
When you talk to a person, that is the most important person for you at this moment.
Every moment, any place, practice this way with a clear mind, you are in harmony with the world.
How do we practice this? There are many ways. Here we talk about one: harmony.
Harmony with the environment, harmony with situations, harmony with people.
Harmony means:
When you are sitting on the meditation stool, that is the best place for you to be.
When your legs hurt, that is exactly what you need for your practice.
When you talk to a person, that is the most important person for you at this moment.
Every moment, any place, practice this way with a clear mind, you are in harmony with the world.
和合 (一)
Friday, July 23, 2010
Shifu visits Marine Mammal Center
On Monday, July 19, Shifu Jian Hu and a few disciples, accompanied by new CTZen Center member, Charlotte Bear, visited the Marine Mammal Center in Sausalito. It is the largest Marine Mammal Hospital in the world, with a group of very dedicated doctors, researchers, and team of volunteers that accomplishes something quite amazing. However, what is even more amazing is what humans do, out of ignorance, to these animals. Shifu asked Charlotte to write the following report:
Marine Mammals teach us about how our choices here at home affect the health of the oceans and all the living beings within them. Master Jian Hu urges CTZen Center members to learn about The Marine Mammal Center--its mission and the education it provides about the impact of our human choices on the coast.
Our planet is almost 80% oceans. With about 6 billion human beings now living on the planet, the impact of our presence on the land impacts the ocean environment tremendously. In recent years, the oceans and all of the living beings within them, not to mention the living beings who depend upon the coast lines, are now facing increasing perils. Much of those dangers are because of mindless human impact upon the planet. Education about the ocean environment and our interdependence with ocean creatures is needed now more than ever.
Increasingly, fish supplies are being depleted by over-fishing, global warming and oil spills, which produce micro-organisms that consume oxygen in the water available for fish to breathe. New increases in contaminants in ocean waters are causing mysterious rises in toxic algae blooms, producing seizures and brain damage in sea lions, for example. Sea lions are an "indicator species," revealing trends in the health of the entire ocean environment. Whales have been beaching more commonly, and upon examination after death, reveal that they swallow large amounts of netting and plastics that have been dumped into the waters. Sea turtles are found dead too often, having eaten plastic bags, which resemble jelly fish, their natural food, and then starve. Rates of cancer have been rising in seals and sea lions, which correspond to human cancer. If allowed to continue unchecked, the food web itself in the oceans will begin to collapse as a result of human consumption and pollution. Fortunately, some people are working hard to intervene and to educate others.
One place that leads world marine science in understanding the impact of human choices on the oceans is The Marine Mammal Center (TMMC), the largest marine mammal hospital, research and education center in the world. Tucked away in the Marin Headlands, near Sausalito, north of the Golden Gate bridge, TMMC runs a year-round operation rescuing, rehabilitating and releasing marine animals, such as California Sea Lions, Stellar Sea Lions, Elephant Seals, Harbor Seals, Northern Fur Seals, dolphins, migrating whales and sea otters. It rescues orphaned, injured, sick and stranded animals from 600 miles of California coastline by deploying a fleet of rescue trucks and volunteers out of several "stranding outposts," stretching from San Luis Obisbo to Mendocino County. The main hospital is in Sausalito, and last year, when the facility opened, it received much public acclaim and won a Bay Area Green Architecture Award for its green building/engineering design.
We, the Zen Center group, was led on a tour by the center's Executive Director, Dr. Jeff Boehm. They learned about the centers' history as a converted missile base to a marine mammal hospital on public lands overlooking and protecting the coast at Rodeo Beach. They learned about marine mammals, animal medicine, volunteer programs, leadership development and education at the center. Charlotte Bear is a volunteer at the center in animal care, education and the Speakers' Bureau. Oliva and Judy wanted to become members on the spot, and they took home information for their family members and the CTZen Center about volunteering and donating. Master Jian Hu talked about the center in the Level I Buddhism class that evening, and he encouraged disciples to get to know the story of the center. This article is intended to provide information that assists Master Jian Hu's request.

The center offers year-round community education about ocean conservation, marine mammal protection and marine science. It hosts interns from all over the world, and it has an outstanding youth program as well as kids' outreach. It also shares vital science, dating back 20 years, about marine mammals and ocean changes. The doctors at TMMC are some of the best in their field, and yet they live humbly in coast guard quarters and work tirelessly day in and out treating the center's patients and developing state of the art surgery techniques.
Almost 1,000 volunteers keep the center running, working in animal care, education, outreach, development, communications, youth program and special events. In 2009, the center treated 1,700 patients. About 50% of these endangered species survived the trauma they had suffered and were released. That's 50% more than would have survived otherwise. The center is open everyday to the public for free, with low-cost tours available. For more information about The Marine Mammal Center, visit www.marinemammalcenter.org.

Our planet is almost 80% oceans. With about 6 billion human beings now living on the planet, the impact of our presence on the land impacts the ocean environment tremendously. In recent years, the oceans and all of the living beings within them, not to mention the living beings who depend upon the coast lines, are now facing increasing perils. Much of those dangers are because of mindless human impact upon the planet. Education about the ocean environment and our interdependence with ocean creatures is needed now more than ever.
Increasingly, fish supplies are being depleted by over-fishing, global warming and oil spills, which produce micro-organisms that consume oxygen in the water available for fish to breathe. New increases in contaminants in ocean waters are causing mysterious rises in toxic algae blooms, producing seizures and brain damage in sea lions, for example. Sea lions are an "indicator species," revealing trends in the health of the entire ocean environment. Whales have been beaching more commonly, and upon examination after death, reveal that they swallow large amounts of netting and plastics that have been dumped into the waters. Sea turtles are found dead too often, having eaten plastic bags, which resemble jelly fish, their natural food, and then starve. Rates of cancer have been rising in seals and sea lions, which correspond to human cancer. If allowed to continue unchecked, the food web itself in the oceans will begin to collapse as a result of human consumption and pollution. Fortunately, some people are working hard to intervene and to educate others.
One place that leads world marine science in understanding the impact of human choices on the oceans is The Marine Mammal Center (TMMC), the largest marine mammal hospital, research and education center in the world. Tucked away in the Marin Headlands, near Sausalito, north of the Golden Gate bridge, TMMC runs a year-round operation rescuing, rehabilitating and releasing marine animals, such as California Sea Lions, Stellar Sea Lions, Elephant Seals, Harbor Seals, Northern Fur Seals, dolphins, migrating whales and sea otters. It rescues orphaned, injured, sick and stranded animals from 600 miles of California coastline by deploying a fleet of rescue trucks and volunteers out of several "stranding outposts," stretching from San Luis Obisbo to Mendocino County. The main hospital is in Sausalito, and last year, when the facility opened, it received much public acclaim and won a Bay Area Green Architecture Award for its green building/engineering design.
We, the Zen Center group, was led on a tour by the center's Executive Director, Dr. Jeff Boehm. They learned about the centers' history as a converted missile base to a marine mammal hospital on public lands overlooking and protecting the coast at Rodeo Beach. They learned about marine mammals, animal medicine, volunteer programs, leadership development and education at the center. Charlotte Bear is a volunteer at the center in animal care, education and the Speakers' Bureau. Oliva and Judy wanted to become members on the spot, and they took home information for their family members and the CTZen Center about volunteering and donating. Master Jian Hu talked about the center in the Level I Buddhism class that evening, and he encouraged disciples to get to know the story of the center. This article is intended to provide information that assists Master Jian Hu's request.

Almost 1,000 volunteers keep the center running, working in animal care, education, outreach, development, communications, youth program and special events. In 2009, the center treated 1,700 patients. About 50% of these endangered species survived the trauma they had suffered and were released. That's 50% more than would have survived otherwise. The center is open everyday to the public for free, with low-cost tours available. For more information about The Marine Mammal Center, visit www.marinemammalcenter.org.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Backyard organic garden; Prison garden
Pasadena family turns their front and back yards into an productive organic garden that provides 60%+ of their food supply--all fresh, all year round!
And in another news, a lady in San Francisco started a "Prison Garden" project: what a simple but amazing idea. See article:
Prison Garden: Feeding inmates inside and Food Banks outside
Seeing your veggies grow must have transformational effects on the inmates, as well.
And in another news, a lady in San Francisco started a "Prison Garden" project: what a simple but amazing idea. See article:
Prison Garden: Feeding inmates inside and Food Banks outside
Seeing your veggies grow must have transformational effects on the inmates, as well.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Grand Master Wei Chueh visits the US in October
Good news: there is a GOOD chance that the Grand Master Wei Chueh may come to visit the USA himself in October for the 10th anniversary of Buddha Gate Monastery and for the Inauguration of several monasteries. Of course, that depends on his health condition; if he cannot come then, then at least the Abbot Jian Deng Shifu will.
We are also encouraging people to go to Texas on 10/7 for the inauguration and consecration of the Texas Pagoda Monastery (and the future Chung Tai Retreat Center for the US) that weekend.
Please pass on this news.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Zen Center Fleeting Moments
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Thursday, May 27, 2010
Chung Tai Zen Center of Sunnvyale
2010 Spring Zen-7 Retreat
Initiation Verse
Cherry blossom welcomes you in the wake of springGood cultivators, for this Zen-Seven Initiation, how does the last verse go?
Its fragile beauty embodies the Zen spirit
With both hands you try to hold it, to no avail
Petals fallen still seem colorful and vibrant
Though you may see through the veil in all phenomena
Who is the one watching the cherry blossom?Begin—
若能看破法中塵 明日觀櫻是何人起—
April 4, 2010
Completion Verse
In the morning you greet the spring mist;Good cultivators, for the completion of this Zen-Seven Retreat, how does the last verse go?
In the evening you see off autumn wind.
Life is a chess game,
All the calculations end in emptiness.
The guests of life pass through endlessly—
Where is the owner hiding?
Riding on the ox you’ve tamed the ox,
Only to return to the same place.
The person and the ox both empty, there is infinite meaning;
The person and the ox both present, you awaken the world effortlessly.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
四十二章經-green annotations
佛說四十二章經 後漢迦葉摩騰、竺法蘭 合譯
經 序
第一章 出家證果
第二章 斷欲絕求
第三章 割愛去貪
第四章 善惡並明
第五章 轉重令輕
第六章 忍惡無瞋
第七章 惡還本身
第八章 塵唾自污
第九章 返本會道
第十章 喜施獲福
第十一章 施飯轉勝
第十二章 舉難勸修
第十三章 問道宿命
第十四章 請問善大
第十五章 請問力明
第十六章 捨愛得道
第十七章 明來暗謝
第十八章 念等本空
第十九章 假真並觀
第二十章 推我本空
第二十一章 名聲喪本
第二十二章 財色招苦
第二十三章 妻子甚獄
第二十四章 色欲障道
第二十五章 欲火燒身
第二十六章 天魔嬈佛
第二十七章 無著得道
第二十八章 意馬莫縱
第二十九章 正觀敵色
第三十章 欲火遠離
第三十一章 心寂欲除
第三十二章 我空怖滅
第三十三章 智明破魔
第三十四章 處中得道
第三十五章 垢淨明存
第三十六章 展轉獲勝
第三十七章 念戒近道
第三十八章 生即有滅
第三十九章 教誨無差
第四十章 行道在心
第四十一章 直心出欲
第四十二章 達世知幻
[4] 同前,塵唾自污章則更顯明,雖然此處指害人之業力,對環境染污的因果亦必回到自身。
[5] 環保雖不易,但志與道合者大,以心淨國土淨為領導原則,則志與道合,必能有成。
[6] 愛欲盛則心水濁。而今世界河流大海悉皆污濁,豈不是人之貪欲所使?
[7] 天地自然皆無常,如自己身體,不能讓人類無限制的濫用。以菩提靈覺觀之,不但能契悟自心,亦能了解自然之法則。
[8] 人之貪欲不止,如逆風執炬,大自然必反撲傷己。
[10] 佛告訴我們,人所有一切憂怖,皆從欲生。我們對自然環境、天災人禍的焦慮,亦必要追溯到人之欲望方能解決。
[11] 生中國者,文化環境適合佛法茁長之處。今者無論何地,能遇佛法,即是因中得逢淨土,事上淨土,則要自己努力。
[12] 環境是依報,由眾生心而起;重視環境,因為未出三界,必須要藉境修心;也因為眾生執迷,因境受眾苦。但也不可忘記,三千大千世界,亦如微塵,如幻化,非假非真,唯以這念清淨心照破我法二執,見實相無相,方能常住寂光淨土。
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Buddha Jewel cleans local street
Though it was a little bit chilly and windy, Jiandu Shifu led eight volunteers from Buddha Jewel Monastery to do street cleaning last Sunday afternoon. Holding the tongs and garbage bags, also with a cart, they walked along the Rainier Ave S to pick up paper, cigarette butts, beer bottles, and all sorts of garbage.
Many shop owners and passersby appreciated what volunteers had done. At the end of this 1.5 hours street cleaning event, five full garbage bags were collected.
儘管風強天冷,八名來自佛寶寺的義工在法師帶領下,在周日下午清掃精舍所在的 Rainier S 大街。每個人身穿佛寶寺背心t-shirt,手拿鉗子及垃圾袋,專注的撿拾起路旁的垃圾。
Friday, April 30, 2010
English Dharma Lectures
It seems that there has been preciously little English Dharma material from Chung Tai. We'll try to amend this situation gradually. Here are some old and recently posted material. We'll keep on updating this post as new lectures are posted.
Dharma Lectures by the Grand Master Wei Chueh
(translated by the Chung Tai Translation Committee)
Four lectures are currently available in PDF form from the Chung Tai World website here.
They included:
Dharma Lectures by Jianhu Shifu:
Dharma Lectures by the Grand Master Wei Chueh
(translated by the Chung Tai Translation Committee)
Four lectures are currently available in PDF form from the Chung Tai World website here.
They included:
- From Bodhi Mind to Ultimate Enlightenment
- Gradual Cultivation and Sudden Enlightenment
- Abide in the Mahayana Mind
- Buddhism and Vegetarianism
Dharma Lectures by Jianhu Shifu:
- Nine Abiding Mind (Stages to Samadhi)
- Preservation and Adaptation: Challenges of American Buddhism and the Chinese Buddhist Experience
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Ten Oxherding Poems 十牛圖頌
The Ten Oxherding Pictures/Poems originated in the Sung Dynasty, showing the stages of Zen cultivation from Seeking the Ox (starting on the spiritual path to find true self), attaining enlightenment, and ends in the bodhisattva practice. Both the Zen Center of Sunnyvale and Buddha Jewel Monastery have the poems (Chinese original and our English translation) and accompanying paintings, specially commissioned for each monastery, in the Zen Halls. (See the paintings here.)
Shifu will be posting a tweeter (shortened) version of these poems in the following days. Interesting challenge! Your suggestions welcome.
Zen Master Kuo An:
1. Searching for the Ox
The Chinese originals are here:
十牛圖頌 廓庵禪師
(一) 尋牛:
Shifu will be posting a tweeter (shortened) version of these poems in the following days. Interesting challenge! Your suggestions welcome.
Zen Master Kuo An:
1. Searching for the Ox
Brushing aside thick grasses I pursue him,2. Discovering the Footprints
In wide rivers, distant mountains, and paths without end.
Exhausted, unable to find him anywhere,
I only hear evening cicadas in the maple trees.
Scores of footprints in the forests and by the streams,3. Sighting of the Ox
Do you see them scattered amid the fragrant grass?
Even deep in the remote mountains,
How can he conceal his enormous snout?
A golden oriole trills on the branch,4. Catching the Ox
The sun is warm, the wind mild,
and the lakeside willow green.
Now there is nowhere for the ox to escape!
Yet what artist can paint his majestic head and horns?
With extraordinary effort I catch the ox,5. Taming the Ox
Strong of body and spirit, he is not easily subdued.
At times, he scales the lofty plains,
Then hides deep within the cloud-like mist.
I must never let go of the whip and rein,6. Riding the Ox Home
Lest he stride down the dusty trail.
Having been well trained, the ox is docile;
He freely follows the master without the leash.
Mounting the ox I meander home;7. The Ox Transcended
The sound of my flute rides with the evening clouds.
Each beat and tune holds meaning profound;
No need for words if you understand this song.
Astride the ox I reach my native hill,8. Both Ox and Self Transcended
The ox has vanished, and I am free.
I dream until the sun is high;
The rein and whip lie idle in the barn.
Whip, rein, person, and ox merge into emptiness,9. Returning to the Source
No words can reach across this vast blue sky.
How can snow accrue on a burning stove?
Here finally, I walk with the Patriarchs.
Returning to one's root has taken much effort,10. Entering the World
Better to have acted blind and deaf from the start!
Dwelling in my hut, I see nothing without,
Rivers flow, flowers are red.
Barefoot and bare-chested, I mingle with the world;(Translated by the Chung Tai Translation Committee)
Though covered with dirt, I beam with joy.
Without the need for secret miraculous powers,
I make flowers bloom from withered wood.
The Chinese originals are here:
十牛圖頌 廓庵禪師
(一) 尋牛:
茫茫撥草去追尋,水闊山遙路更深,(二) 見跡:
水邊林下跡偏多,芳草離披見也麼?(三) 見牛:
黃鸝枝上一聲聲,日暖風和岸柳青,(四) 得牛:
竭盡神通獲得渠,心強力壯卒難除,(五) 牧牛:
鞭索時時不離身,恐伊縱步入埃塵,(六) 騎牛歸家:
騎牛迤邐欲還家,羌笛聲聲送晚霞,(七) 忘牛存人:
騎牛已得到家山,牛也空兮人也閑,(八) 人牛俱忘:
鞭索人牛盡屬空,碧天寥闊信難通,(九) 返本還源:
返本還源已費功,爭如直下似盲聾,(十) 入廛垂手:
Monday, February 22, 2010
中台山月刊 2010 1月號「活在當下」
- 這一期的封面來自於那一個佛教的故事?
- 老和尚今年的春聯法語是什麼?
- 在去年十二月的「兩岸文物交流座談會」中,共有十八位發言人。下列各人的發言中,老和尚、佛學院院長見桅法師、北京故宮博物院副院長陳麗華、台北藝術大學林保堯所長、李祖原建築師、見護法師、文化大學陳清香教授各提到什麼重點?
- 老和尚二篇開示,皆以「六祖壇經.定慧品」為主題,恰好與週六的研經班一致。請將這二篇文章中老和尚的一些佳句或重點摘錄出來。
- 十一月時有那一所國外的中學來普台高中進行教育交流,彼此學習?
- 閱讀這一期法師及居士的文章,有何啟發?
- 李祖原建築師,為了設計中台禪寺,曾經特別考察了那些國家的宗教建築?他認為,文明可分為那三大系統?又如何從這三大系統的差異了解東、西方文化的不同特色?
- 在十月、十一月中,有那幾個不同國家的人士參訪了中台禪寺?
- 以下數句,分別出自何處?為這一期那一篇文章所引用?
- 「知者不惑,仁者不憂,勇者不懼」
- 「以有入空,四大俱融」
- 「一剎那經九百生滅」
- 「知所從來為知生,知所從去為知死」
- 「饑來喫飯,睏來即眠」
- 「寂然不動,感而遂通」
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
New Eighteen Arhats Wall & Maitreya Bodhisattva at BJM
The new Eighteen Arhats Wall at Buddha Jewel Monastery.
Also, the Maitreya Bodhisattva in the classic "contemplation pose". This is the saint that gave us the Yogacarin, or Consciousness-Only School of Buddhism. Anyone know why this Maitreya Bodhisattva is so different from the Chinese big-bellied Maitreya?
See the gallery here.
Also, the Maitreya Bodhisattva in the classic "contemplation pose". This is the saint that gave us the Yogacarin, or Consciousness-Only School of Buddhism. Anyone know why this Maitreya Bodhisattva is so different from the Chinese big-bellied Maitreya?
See the gallery here.
Monday, January 18, 2010
十宗綱要-華嚴宗 1 & 2
- 三種華嚴經:六十華嚴,八十華嚴,四十華嚴,內容為何?一樣嗎?各有何特色?
- 自最初六十華嚴在 418 C.E. 譯出,華嚴宗的發展史上有何重要的事件?試製一表格列出年代及事項。(如:418 年,六十華嚴初譯出。643-712,華嚴三祖法藏法師。若年代不明,也試隨其歷史先後順序列出。)
- 摘錄華嚴經的佳句。如:每人可閱讀十卷。
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Half Day Meditation at Buddha Jewel Monastery
Monday, January 4, 2010
2009 Zen 7 Retreat Completion Verse

長夜漫漫終見日 大地回春心亦春
初一十五月無二 能所一如塵非塵
遍觀法界情無情 全妄亦不礙全真
原來當前主人翁 正是昔日夢中人
要放心空無纖芥 要提山河一肩扛
2009 Winter Zen-Seven Retreat
Completion Verse
January 1, 2010
The cold, dark night is over, the sun finally rises,Good cultivators, for the completion of this Zen-Seven, how does the last verse go?
Earth baths in the warmth of spring, so does your mind.
New moon, full moon, it is the same moon.
When subject and object are one, dusts are dusts no more.
Contemplate the entire Dharma realm, sentient and non-sentient;
All are illusive, yet all are real.
Now I realize, the master of the present moment
Is exactly the one living in dreams before.
When letting go, leave not a single speck in your mindEnd—
When picking up, carry the world on one shoulder.
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