Monday, February 2, 2009

Groundhog Day Buddhism; Movies with Buddhist Themes

Today is Groundhog Day, the writer Perry Garfinkel wrote an article called "Groundhog Day Buddhism Sutra" on the Hoffington Post, where he analyzed the Four Noble Truths in the movie. Perhaps it is time we watch this movie again, and try to see how many Buddhist principles you can find in it! The Dharma is everywhere, isn't it?

We've done several "Buddhism in the Movies" workshops, on the movies "Matrix" and "What the Bleep Do We Know". Another good one, which we showed in a Denver retreat, was "Peaceful Warrior".

Send in your suggestions for movies with Buddhist themes! We may pick it for a future workshop.

Another exercise: apply the Four Noble Truth (or other Buddhist teachings) to a movie of your choice (like Perry has done), and explain how you observe these principles in the movie.


  1. The Dharma of Star Wars

    This link was sent by Bessie from Buddha Gate: Also, there is a book by the same name authored by Matthew Bortolin. Anybody read it?

  2. Without a doubt, check out the recently released movie "Henry Poole is Here" for Buddhism related themes.

    Great movie too. Living in the present moment is very much emphasized.

    Roy Batchelor
