Wednesday, January 28, 2009

十宗綱要 01-1 導論

2009-01-27 & 01-28

今天開始「十宗綱要」課程。以下是第一課的補充資料及習題,請學員發心。可以直接用 comment 回應,或 email.
  1. 「諸佛世尊唯以一大事因緣故,出現於世。」找出這一段經文。
  2. 「天上人間所應度者,皆已度訖。其未度者,悉皆已作得度因緣。」這句話從那一部經而來?
  3. 簡述五百羅漢於七葉窟結集經典的故事(五分鐘以內)。
  4. 四次經典結集,各在何處?列出其舊名稱及現今印度所在地。
  5. 除了中國第一部佛經,「四十二章經」,迦葉摩騰、竺法蘭二位尊者還翻譯了什麼經典?(可參考中台網站上「中台山月刊」第56期)
  6. 佛法中「三武一宗」的四次法難,各為那幾位皇帝主導?時間是公元幾年?
  7. 「方便有多門,歸元無二路」出自那一部經?
  8. 道信禪師言:「百千法門,同歸方寸;河沙妙德,總在心源。」是四祖對那一位法師的開示?找出這則公案。
  9. 佛陀在世並無宗派之分,為何後來的佛教衍生出這麼多不同的宗派?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Diamond Sutra Ch18-1 Five Eyes

Subhuti, what do you think? Does the Tathagata have the physical eye?” “Yes, World Honored One. The Tathagata has the physical eye.” “Subhuti, what do you think? Does the Tathagata have the heavenly eye?” “Yes, World Honored One, the Tathagata has the divine eye.” “Subhuti, what do you think? Does the Tathagata have the wisdom eye?” “Yes, World Honored One, the Tathagata has the wisdom eye.” “Subhuti, what do you think? Does the Tathagata have the Dharma eye?” “Yes, World Honored One. The Tathagata has the Dharma eye.” “Subhuti, what do you think? Does the Tathagata have the Buddha eye?” “Yes, World Honored One. The Tathagata has the Buddha eye.

In chapter 17, we are asked to practice a way of living based on the persepctive of "no-self". An easy way to start is think of being selfless.

In chapter 18, the Buddha began by talking about the Five Eyes, which are different kinds of abilities of the mind.
  1. In English we say "every man for himself", which seems more natural. Why should we live a lifestyle based selflessness? What about my own happiness and needs?
  2. What are the functions of each of the Five Eyes?
  3. If there is "no-self", why did the Buddha talk about the Five Eyes as if they all exist?
  4. How can we possess the five eyes?

Level One class 03 Life of the Buddha


We covered the life of the Buddha in this class.

What are the things you can learn from his life?

For example, was Prince Siddhartha special as a young boy?

How did he react to ordinary experiences like seeing a sick person?

What kind of goals in life did he set?

Which qualities figure prominently in his personality?

How was he similar or different from founders of other religions or prophets?

Do you have or do you think you can develop these qualities that makes him a great person?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009










Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Level One class 02 Wisdom, responsibility, what is precious


English Zen 1
We finished the first topic, "Introduction to Zen Buddhism" (sort of). Let's review some of the important points learned in our second class by these questions:
  1. What is real wisdom?
  2. What are the Three Poisons of the mind?
  3. We are responsible for our suffering. What is a positive way to look at this teaching?
  4. You can, and should, use your rational judgment in learning about Buddhism. What, then, is the value of faith in Buddhism?
  5. From Bodhidharma's story, what is the most precious "thing" in the world? (Also, think of what is truly precious in your life.)
  6. Are all beings truely equal? Why or why not?
  7. Why are there different schools in Buddhism?

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Level 2 Zen Class 2009-01-17 Bodhisattva Ideal

Welcome to the 21 students who returned for the Level 2 class!

Level 1 was focused on one's own liberation, namely the Four Noble Truths.
Level 2 will focus on the Bodhisattva's practice, namely the Six Paramitas (or Six Perfections).

Today we talked about the "Bodhisattva Ideal" by learning from five famous bodhisattvas and what they represent:

  1. Guanyin (Avalokiteshvara): Great compassion
  2. Manjusri: Great wisdom
  3. Earth Treasure (Ksitigarbha): Great vow
  4. Universal Virtue (Samatabhadra): Great conduct
  5. Maitreya the Future Buddha: Kindness, and hope--that we can be a buddha too, if we follow the bodhisattva way.

  1. Find some pictures of each of these bodhisattvas and post them here.
  2. What are the two possible meanings of the word "bodhisattva"?
  3. What does a bodhisattva has to do besides attain complete enlightenment?
  4. What are the two possible meanings of the name "Avalokiteshvara" ("Guanyin")?
  5. Why does Bodhisattva Manjusri carry a sword?
  6. Why is Bodhisattva Earth Treasure's work in freeing all beings in hell never done?
  7. Maitreya is slim in India, and chubby in China. Guanyin is a man in India, and a woman in China. What does that say about our physical form?
Send in your answers via the comments button below.

Friday, January 16, 2009

New Face for the blog

Even though I like the old "scribe" look of our blog, it never showed the bullet lists and numbered lists properly, displaying a "flower" instead. So I change to a new template that handles the lists correctly.

Diamond Sutra 2009-01-15 Five Central Concepts

We welcomed the level 2 students who now join us in the Sutra Study class.

Continuing with the last part of Ch. 17,

Subhuti, there is actually no such thing called a bodhisattva.

All phenomena are free from the ideas of a self, a person, a sentient being, or a life span.

If a bodhisattva says ‘I will transform the world into a Buddha world,’ then he is not a bodhisattva. Why? The Tathagata teaches that one who transforms the world is not the one who transforms the world. That is to transform the world.

If a bodhisattva realizes the Dharma of non-self, the Tathagata says this is a real bodhisattva.

We discussed three fundamental observations in Buddhism:
1. What is created will perish
2. All that are created come from something else.
3. These "something else" are the specific causal conditions that must be met for something to happen or appear. These specific relationships lead to the Principle of Causality. And since all conditions change, all creation will perish.
These three concepts are intimately related to another, and not so difficult to observe. What is more difficult to see is a fourth, related concept: emptiness.
4. Because all things depend on other conditions, therefore all things are empty of their own, instrinsic nature. All the observed characteristics of anything, including people, are empty.

And a fifth concept:
5. What is uncreated is unconditioned and cannot perish. The bodhi mind, which is formless and empty, is such an example.
  1. Name some examples of specific causal relationships.
  2. Give examples of the empty nature of specific objects, e.g. water, rock, mountains. (That is: why is water empty?)
  3. Give examples of the empty nature of events, e.g. winning an award, losing a job, breakup, getting sick.
  4. Why is that we should make the bodhisattva resolve but yet there no such thing as a bodhisattva?
  5. What else did you learn in this class?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

楞嚴經研經班 2009-01-13/14








Level One Zen Buddhism class 01 (2009-01-12)

Welcome the level one (mostly) new class members!

We had about 30 people signed up but over 60 people turned up. We hope most of you will stay through the class!

For your review, and in case you missed it:
  1. Gave an introduction to the class structure and format.
  2. Handed out the syllabus.
  3. Gave an introduction to "Zen"
  4. The purpose of meditation
  5. Gave an introduction to the Zen Center
  6. Instructions for our first meditation method, "Breath Counting"
  7. Assurance that (almost) everyone's legs hurt when they first meditate. Endurance and patience are what makes the practice successful.
  8. Everyone can become a Buddha!

Questions (reply via comments to this post)
  1. What is "Zen"? Trace the word origin from India, through China, to Japan, and the West.
  2. What can meditation do for us?
  3. What is meditation? Why can walking be considered a meditation?
  4. What is the name of this Zen Center? (Finally an easy one)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

New term has begun at the Zen Center

We welcome the new year with hope.
And the best tools to realize that hope is to meditate and learn the wisdom of the Buddha.

Our website has the listing of all the new and continuing Zen Buddhism classes.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Grand Master Wei Chueh

Here is a picture of the Grand Master Wei Chueh when he visited the US in 2001.



Dharma Words of the Grand Master Wei Chueh:

The aim of practicing Buddhism is to free the mind from the influence of external circumstances and maintain peace and serenity within.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Zen-7 Poems

Some of the poems Ven. Jianhu mentioned in the Zen-7 Retreat:



--香雲智閑 & 唐宣宗

On Seeing the Waterfall at Mt. Lu

Penetrating the clouds and the rocks, you are not detered by the hardships
Haveing gone this far, you must come from a high place.
How can the rivers and streams contain me?
My place in to roam free in the great ocean.

--Master Xianyun & Emperor Tang Xuan Zong




Chill to the Bone

To be completely free from the burden of defilements
Is no ordinary undertaking;
Grab the rope firmly with all your might!
Only through the bone-biting chill of winter,
Will the plum blossoms
Smack you with their delightful fragrance.

--Master Huang Bo




The cultivators never recognized what is real,
Because they always think of consciousness as the soul,
Which is the root of samsara since beginningless time;
They mistake the dummy as the original.

--Master Chang Sha



If the mind does not cling to anything,
It doesn’t matter if you’re surrounded by everything.

--Layman Pang Yun

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Five Contemplations Before A Meal 食存五觀

Our translation team worked on a translation of the Five Contemplations which is used before we take meals in the monastery:

This offering is the fruit of many's work and care;
Reflecting on my conduct, "Am I worthy of a share?"
Be wary of the poisons, the foremost being greed;
Seeing food as medicine, I take only what I need,
Solely for cultivation, to realize the Buddha Way.
With gratitude I accept this offering today.

(It is slightly modified from the excellent version I got from Rev. Heng Sure of the Berkeley Buddhist Monastery.)


Saturday, January 3, 2009

2008 Zen-7 Complete Verse 禪七解七法語


Completion Verse
January 1, 2009

  You used up all your efforts to penetrate the clouds and the rocks,
Yet in an instant, turning back, you arrived at the source.
Having entered the great ocean of bodhi awareness you realize
That you’ve been swimming in the same place for endless time.
In one drop of water you see True Suchness;
All the rivers and streams flow from it.
The truth of emptiness, convention and Middle Way are replete in each thought,
The great essence, form, and function are complete in the One-Mind.
Good cultivators, for the completion of this Zen-Seven Retreat, how does the last verse go?
   Your heroic nature finally manifest itself—
Vowing to never rest until all sentient beings are free.

 穿雲透石勞心力 忽爾回首到源頭
入大覺海方乃知 無始劫來原處游
一滴水中見真如 百千河川從此流
空假中諦念念俱 體相用大無不周


英雄本色今日現 未盡有情終不休
