Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Level One class 02 Wisdom, responsibility, what is precious


English Zen 1
We finished the first topic, "Introduction to Zen Buddhism" (sort of). Let's review some of the important points learned in our second class by these questions:
  1. What is real wisdom?
  2. What are the Three Poisons of the mind?
  3. We are responsible for our suffering. What is a positive way to look at this teaching?
  4. You can, and should, use your rational judgment in learning about Buddhism. What, then, is the value of faith in Buddhism?
  5. From Bodhidharma's story, what is the most precious "thing" in the world? (Also, think of what is truly precious in your life.)
  6. Are all beings truely equal? Why or why not?
  7. Why are there different schools in Buddhism?

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