Wednesday, September 23, 2009

十宗綱要:唯識宗3: 賴耶緣起、心法四相


  • 阿賴耶緣起之意義
  • 心法四相:見分、相分、自證分、證自證分
  1. 前五識、第六識、第七識、第八識之見分、相分各為何?
  2. 「我執」有粗的(第六意識)及細的(第七意識)。這是執著何者之見分或相分而形成的?
  3. 相分是外在存在之相嗎?若不是,它由何而來?
  4. 自證分與證自證分有何差別?為何沒有「自證自證分」?
  5. 根據賴耶緣起,這個世界與人類是阿賴耶識所創造的嗎?

Friday, September 18, 2009

Coastal Cleaning Day


Zen Center joined the California-wide effort on Sep. 19th to clean up the coast. Our team of volunteers ranged from middle school kids, Dharma Youths, and adults and helped cleaned up the Guadalupe Slough, near the Water Control Plant in Sunnyvale. Many tennis balls washed up from the Bay, a chair, a bed, beer bottles, etc. It's amazing how we treat our own ocean and land.

See our pictures on flickr.

Also, this is provided by Bessie: photos from 2005 International Coastal Cleanup

"Everything that happens in the ocean will affect us." --Fabian
Cousteau (Jacques Cousteau's grandson)

Every year, trash in the ocean kills more than l million seabirds and 100,000 marine turtles through ingestion and entanglement. What we do on land directly affects the oceans. If you visit the beach and ocean this summer, take a long look at the lovely sight, and think about how you can help save it. Click the above link to see a slide show of the ocean debris that we humans have

Surangama Sutra Study Class 01 & 02

20090910 Lecture 01

This term we study sections from the Surangama Sutra, an immensely influential and important sutra in Mahayana Buddhism. Recently a complete, decent translation has become available by the BTTS. (I've waited twenty years for this!) The class is taught concurrently at Zen Center of Sunnyvale and Buddha Jewel Monastery.

In the first class we covered the following:
  • Introduction
  • The meaning of Surangama: indestructible; heroic progression
  • Organization of the Surangama Sutra:
    1. Understanding the Way (見道分)
    2. Cultivating the Way (修道分)
    3. Realizing/Attaining the Way (證道分)
    4. Assistance on the Way (助道分)
  • "Thus have I heard" (Ananda's role in the Tripitaka)
20090917 Lecture 02
  • Sutra Opening Gatha and respecting sutras
  • How Surangama was brought to China by Paramiti and translated
  • Story of Anathapindada and the Prince Jetri's Grove
  • Three kinds of outflow (desire, existence, and ignorance)and the Three Realms of Existence (Realm of Desire, Realm of Form, and Realm of Formlessness)
  1. If everything is impermanent, how can there be an indestructible samadhi, the Suragama?
  2. What is the main purpose of the teaching in Part 1 of the Surangama ("Understanding the Way")?
  3. Why is Anathapindada willing to offer all his wealth just to build a monastery for the Buddha? Why is Paramiti willing to endure such physical pain to carry the sutra to China? How do we distinguish religious fanaticism from selfless bodhisattva devotion?
  4. Why is this world we live in called the "Realm of Desire"?
  5. What does the name "outflow" designate?
  6. Which outflows exist for each of these three realms?

Monday, September 14, 2009

十宗綱要:唯識宗1: 歷史源流; 2: 賴耶種子

20090908~09 十宗綱要:唯識宗1: 歷史源流
20090915~16 十宗綱要:唯識宗2: 賴耶種子



