Monday, April 27, 2009

Inneswoods, Columbus, Ohio

Jianhu Shifu gave some lectures in Columbus, Ohio from 4/13 ~ 4/15. At Columbus we visited a beautiful garden, Inneswoods, which was donated by the Innes sisters, and very well maintained by the City.

Forgetting both the mind and phenomena, still veiled in delusion;
Realizing the non-duality of form and emptiness, the dust remains.
The birds do not visit, spring has gone again,
Who is the person abiding in this hut?

-- Zen Master Xing Kung

心法雙忘猶隔妄 色空不二尚餘塵
百鳥不來春又過 不知誰是住庵人

1 comment:

  1. terrific photo of Shifu in the hut!!

    Sitting in my hut/
    while the world goes by/
    where is the dust/
    that clouds the mind?
