Monday, January 4, 2010

2009 Zen 7 Retreat Completion Verse


長夜漫漫終見日 大地回春心亦春

初一十五月無二 能所一如塵非塵

遍觀法界情無情 全妄亦不礙全真

原來當前主人翁 正是昔日夢中人


要放心空無纖芥 要提山河一肩扛

2009 Winter Zen-Seven Retreat

Completion Verse
January 1, 2010
The cold, dark night is over, the sun finally rises,
Earth baths in the warmth of spring, so does your mind.
New moon, full moon, it is the same moon.
When subject and object are one, dusts are dusts no more.
Contemplate the entire Dharma realm, sentient and non-sentient;
All are illusive, yet all are real.
Now I realize, the master of the present moment
Is exactly the one living in dreams before.

Good cultivators, for the completion of this Zen-Seven, how does the last verse go?
When letting go, leave not a single speck in your mind
When picking up, carry the world on one shoulder.

1 comment:

  1. 十宗綱要 - 華嚴宗初祖杜順禪師曾隱居終南山(p.158)

    千多年後的今天, 仍有法師隱居終南山修行. A westerner had seeked the truth of life from one of the hermit masters living in the 終南 mountains and made this documentary film "Amongst White Clouds":

    We can visualize 杜順禪師 grazing the mountains when we watch this beautifully-made film.
