Sunday, November 2, 2008

Buddhism compared with Science and Philosophy

Buddhism is like philosophy, science, and religion; but it is also different from all three.

Philosophy, like science, observes and studies our lives and our world and try to understand it all. Science, base on its observations, come up with theories of reality, but need to prove it rigorously. Philosophy, base on its observations, come up with theories of reality, but don't need to prove them; they just need to think and talk. They have no ways of proving them either. So science is more concrete and believable, yet it can only deal with the physical world primarily. Philosophy can be more fluffy, but it is free to deal with issues like Truth and ultimate freedom.

Buddhism deals with Truth and ultimate freedom, but like science, it finds a methodology to verify it. How? Through meditation, our mind becomes so clear that it can perceive the truth. It is repeatable and verifiable; anyone who practices the right way will get enlightened and reach nirvana. It is unlike science, though, because the results, being non-physical, cannot be shown to others. So those who refuse to believe and practice will never see it.

In this way, Buddhism is unique; it is possible to attain nirvana through practical methods.

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