Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Inconceivable Mind (六祖壇經)

什麼是不可思議?中道實相,見到自己的本心本性,這念心超越了時間、空間,當下這念心的境界就是不可思、不可議,稱之為如來妙心、無住真心。《金 剛經》講:「應無所住而生其心。」這就是不可思、不可議,在禪宗稱之為「本來面目」。悟到自己這念無住心、無為心,又能站得住、站得長,這念心就是不可 思、不可議的境界,這就是菩提心。這念心只能契悟,沒有辦法想得出來。如果能想得出來就有「生」,有生必有滅。不可思、不可議的境界,就是不生、不滅的境 界。什麼是不生、不滅?師父說法、諸位聽法的這念心,不想過去、不想現在、不想未來,一個念頭都不起,這就是不生,因為本具的真心是不住任何境界、是不滅 的,當下不生不滅的這念心就是不思議。悟了這念心,就如古人所說的「如人飲水,冷暖自知」,只有自己知道,別人沒有辦法了解。


What is "inconceivable"? The Middle Way Reality, to see one's original mind, original nature, that this "present mind" transcends time and space; this very mind is in the realm of the inconceivable. This is called the profound Buddha Mind, the non-abiding true mind (or true mind without any attachments). The Diamond Sutra says, "The mind should act without any attachments." This is "inconceivable", what we call "the original face" in Zen (Chan).

To awaken to this non-abiding mind, this unconditioned mind, and to be able to stand firm on it continuously (i.e. maintain mindfulness), then one enters the realm of inconceivable, that which is beyond concepts and language. This is the bodhi mind. One can only awaken to, or realize this "present mind", you cannot intellectually understand it. If you can get it by thinking, then it has birth; whatever is born will perish. The inconceivable is beyond birth and death.

What is unborn and undying? As Shifu speaks, you all have this mind which can listen; if it doesn't think about the past, the present, or the future, giving rise to not a single thought, that is "unborn". The inherent true mind does not abide in (attach to) any situation, it does not cease. This unborn, undying "present mind" is inconceivable. When you realize this present mind, like the ancient sages say, "like drinking water, only he knows what it feels like." Only that person knows what it is like. Nobody else can comprehend it.

--Excerpt from Grand Master Wei Chueh's lecture on "The Sixth Patriarch Huineng's Platform Sutra"

Chung Tai Chan Monastery

1 comment:

  1. 傳嫻 posted on behalf of Raymond 傳豪, his reflection after Jan 16, 2010 六祖壇經疑問第三 lecture:

    Words Unpleasant to Hear must be Sincere Advice:

    論逆耳必是忠言: (六祖壇經-疑問第三品)

    古人言 (增廣賢文): [良藥苦口利於病, 忠言逆耳利於行].
    當然, 旣是 [良藥忠言] 必可利於 [病和行].
    但是; [逆耳必是忠言], 則大可不一定.
    如課上之問; 外教當面當衆呵斥; 佛教教人拜偶像, 是邪教. 不可信!
    對一個佛教徒, 此呵斥逆耳否? 當然逆耳! 此呵斥忠言否? 當然不是!

    重點其實不在逆耳否? 在於是忠言否? 忠言邪言? 師父教過; 是要以智慧來簡別決擇的.
    智慧是要勤修正法, 如理思維的. 怎知所修之佛法是正法? 則須依止善知識. 在善知

    故說: [忠言逆耳], 多時成理; 由其是師父 (善知識) 之言皆忠, 必須順言而學而修. 若逆耳,
    更應無疑照單全收, 改過勤修.

    但 [逆耳必是忠言], 則不一定. 但當下在聞 [逆耳之言], 則須先忍受之, 再慧决擇. 若不得. 則問師父指教認可矣!

    尤其當今末法世代. 据美國中央情報局2009年7月之估計; 全球人口約6.79 Billion中, 天主教徒約1.15 Billion, 其他基督教徒約1.11 Billion, 回教徒約1.42 Billion, 印度教徒約0.9 Billion, 佛教徒僅約0.4 Billion! 在此全球95%的異教徒及無信仰者之環境中, 我等極少數之佛教徒更應堅定信心, 不為邪言所惑所畏, 且應深深了知佛之知見. 更不應與邪說妥協. 當然要有基本智慧對忠言邪說分得情楚, 見得明白! 迷時依止 [善知識], 悟時依止 [明心自性] 矣!

    人說 [佛教是邪教, 且不可信]. 堪忍不起瞋心則可. 然對之以 [逆耳必是忠言], 我等佛子怎能接受!...


    1-17-2010 晚
